Ex Machina
Title Sequence Pitch
Concept / Art Direction /  Design 

Feature / Drama 
A series of a style frames re-imagining a main on end title sequence for the film Ex Machina.

A young programmer is selected to participate in a ground-breaking experiment in synthetic intelligence by evaluating the human qualities of a highly advanced humanoid A.I.
Ex Machina showcases a familiar theme in film and fiction: the development of Artificial Intelligence – and what that means for us. The theme is extremely relevant in current times. AI in the film is portrayed as the natural evolution of the human species. Of course, this comes with consequences.  If computers are capable of creating and of independent thinking, they are conscious.

What if the first act of truly conscious technology is to be free?

Concept - Design - Animation: Aldo Filiberto

Realised for Sarofsky Labs.
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